Provider Demographics
Entity Type:Individual
First Name:KARI
Middle Name:LYNN
Last Name:LEAL
Other - Prefix:MISS
Other - First Name:KARI
Other - Middle Name:LYNN
Other - Last Name:STOCKSTILL
Other - Suffix:
Other - Last Name Type:Former Name
Other - Credentials:RRT-NPS
Mailing Address - Street 1:4550 38TH AVE SW
Mailing Address - Street 2:APT #301
Mailing Address - City:SEATTLE
Mailing Address - State:WA
Mailing Address - Zip Code:98126-2768
Mailing Address - Country:US
Mailing Address - Phone:714-206-4450
Mailing Address - Fax:
Practice Address - Street 1:4550 38TH AVE SW APT 301
Practice Address - Street 2:
Practice Address - City:SEATTLE
Practice Address - State:WA
Practice Address - Zip Code:98126-2772
Practice Address - Country:US
Practice Address - Phone:714-206-4450
Practice Address - Fax:
Is Sole Proprietor?:No
Enumeration Date:2016-02-10
Last Update Date:2016-02-10
Deactivation Date:
Deactivation Code:
Reactivation Date:
Provider Licenses
StateLicense IDTaxonomies
WALR 605954262278C0205X, 227900000X, 2279E0002X, 2279E1000X, 2279G0305X, 2279G1100X, 2279P1005X, 2279P3900X
Provider Taxonomies
Yes227900000XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, Registered
No2278C0205XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, CertifiedCritical Care
No2279E0002XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, RegisteredEmergency Care
No2279E1000XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, RegisteredEducational
No2279G0305XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, RegisteredGeriatric Care
No2279G1100XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, RegisteredGeneral Care
No2279P1005XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, RegisteredPulmonary Rehabilitation
No2279P3900XRespiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service ProvidersRespiratory Therapist, RegisteredNeonatal/Pediatrics